PhD Students
Imogen Dell
Project Title: Two-way Interactions of Troposphere and Stratosphere via Radiation, Reaction and Breakdown of Rossby Waves
Supervisor: Prof Xuesong Wu
Peter Shatwell
Project Title: A process study of heat uptake by the global ocean
Supervisor: Dr Arnaud Czaja
Benjamin Snowball
Project Title: Atmosphere modelling with spectral methods on spherical triangles
Supervisor: Dr Sheehan Olver
Birgit Sutzl
Project Title: Quantifying heterogeneity and microclimates in urban developments
Supervisor: Dr Maarten van Reeuwijk
Joseph Wallwork
Project Title: Anisotropic mesh adaptive methods in ocean modelling
Supervisor:Prof Matthew David Piggott
Golo Wimmer
Project Title: Compatible numerics for numerical weather prediction
Supervisor: Prof Colin Cotter
Erwin Luesink
Project Title: On stochastic geophysical fluid dynamics
Supervisor: Prof Darryl D Holm
Adriaan Hilbers
Project Title: Working with weather & climate variability in power systems planning
Supervisor: Prof Axel Gandy
Mariana Clare
Project Title: Advanced numerical techniques to assess erosion/flood risk in the coastal zone
Supervisor: Prof Matthew David Piggott
George Chappelle
Project Title: Rate-induced tipping in non-autonomous random dynamical systems
Supervisor: Dr Martin Rasmussen
Stuart Patching
Project Title: Analysis of Stochastic Slow-Fast systems
Supervisor: Professor Xue-Mei Li
Louis Sharrock
Project Title: Bayesian inference with application to air quality monitoring
Supervisor: Dr Nikolaos Kantas
Niraj Agarwal
Project Title: Data-Driven Reduced Modelling of Oceanic Variability
Supervisor: Dr Pavel Berloff
Alexander Alecio
Project Title: Uncertainty quantication, linear response theory and predictability for nonequilibrium systems near phase transitions
Supervisor: Professor Grigorios Pavliotis
Lois Baker
Project Title: Transition to Turbulence in Flow over Rough Topography in the Southern Ocean
Supervisor: Dr Ali Mashayek
Philipp Breul
Project Title: What determines the ability of the jet stream to shift in response to external forcing?
Supervisor: Dr Paulo Ceppi
Thomas Gregory
Project Title:Next generation numerics for global ocean modelling
Supervisor: Professor Colin Cotter
Ryosuke Kurashina
Project Title: Atlantic-Pacific Decadal Teleconnections in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model
Supervisor: Dr Pavel Berloff
Oliver Street
Project Title: SPDEs in fluid dynamics and their application to ocean debris
Supervisor: Professor Dan Crisan
Niccolo Zagli
Project Title: Eco-systemic response to climate change
Supervisor: Professor Henrik Jensen
Daniel Goodair
Project Title: Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Applications in Ocean and Atmosphere
Supervisor: Prof Dan Crisan
Connor Ward
Project Title: Low Latency Code Generation for Extreme-Scale Continuum Mechanics
Supervisor: Dr David Ham
Theo Diamantakis
Project Title: Dynamics on Rough Paths
Supervisor: Prof Darryl Holm and Prof Greg Pavliotis
Jamie Meacham
Project Title: Transport and Clusterisation of Floating Particles in the Ocean
Supervisor: Dr Pavel Berloff
Karina Kowalczyk
Project Title: TBA
Supervisor: Prof Colin Cotter
Reuben Nixon-Hill
Project Title: Code Generation for ‘In Situ’ Statistics Querying of Geoscientific Models
Supervisor: Dr David Ham