Recent decades have seen rapid increases in life expectancy globally, but at the same time the divide in health between the richest and poorest people has become greater. The most marginalised communities in the world carry a disproportionate disease burden. Persistent poverty and displacement due to economic shocks, conflict and environmental change limit access to healthcare, make the poor vulnerable to infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases. Fragile health systems are ill-equipped to deal with the complex combinations of infectious and non-communicable diseases and have little resilience in the face of emergencies. Similarly, disease surveillance and monitoring systems, as well as the infrastructure to synthesise data and evidence for policy decisions are grossly inadequate.
The Jameel Institute brings together researchers working on global health within Imperial College’s School of Public Health and researchers from multiple disciplines from around the College. Partnering with governments and international institutions, the Jameel Institute advances methods and real-world application of data analytics to identify and support effective actions and high priority investments into population health globally – both in responding to crises but also in identifying the cross-cutting investments which will build strong and resilient health systems better able to meet future health challenges and threats.