CMS Detector Development
The CMS detector will be upgraded over the next decade to allow it to continue to take data, until beyond 2030. The upgrade will allow us to take much more data, with the hope that new discoveries will be made but also with the goal of precise measurements of Standard Model physics, in particular of the Higgs boson. Even if new particles are not found, they may be identified indirectly through deviations from expectations in the Higgs properties or in other rare processes.
Imperial contribution
The Imperial HEP group plays a leading role in the following three projects. To allow CMS to continue to operate, the Tracker and ECAL endcap calorimeter must be replaced because they will eventually be so heavily irradiated that their performance will degrade. Therefore the Tracker and the Level-1 Trigger will be replaced and substantially improved, taking advantage of technology improvements since CMS was originally designed, and a new High-Granularity Endcap Calorimeter will be added.