Regionalisation of rainfall-runoff models
Prof H Wheater, Dr N Mcintyre
Two recent research projects, in collaboration with CEH Wallingford, the University of Arizona and Penn State University, have developed tools, methodologies and case studies for model regionalisation and prediction of flows in ungauged catchments. This has included develoment of the RRMT software, testing the suitability of selected conceptual model structures, assessing model structural error, testing established and novel methods for regionalisation, and applying the frameworks to a large database of UK catchments. A list of output publications is given below.
- Wagener, T., Wheater, H.S. and Gupta, H.V. 2004. Rainfall-runoff modelling in gauged and ungauged catchments. Imperial College Press, London, UK, 300 pp.
- McIntyre, N.R., Lee, H., Wheater, H.S., Young, A, R. 2004. Tools and approaches for evaluating uncertainty in streamflow predictions in ungauged UK catchments. In Pahl-Wostl, C., Schmidt, S. and Jakeman, T. (eds) iEMSs 2004 International Congress: "Complexity and Integrated Resources Management". International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Osnabrueck, Germany, June 2004.
- Lee, H., McIntyre, N.R., Wheater, H.S., Young, A, R., Wagener, T. 2004. Assessment of rainfall-runoff model structures for regionalisation purposes. In Webb, B., Arnell, A., Onof, C., McIntyre, N., Gurney, R., Kirby, C. BHS International Conference "Hydrology - Science and Practice for the 21st Century" Volume 1, BHS, London, July 2004.
- Lee, H., McIntyre, N.R., Wheater, H.S., Young, A, R. 2004. Selection of conceptual models for regionalisation of rainfall runoff relationships, Journal of Hydrology, 312, 1-4,125-147.
- McIntyre, N.R., Lee, H., Wheater, H.S., Young, A, R. 2005. Ensemble modeling of flows in ungauged catchments, Water Resources Research, Vol. 41, No. 12, W12434, 10.1029/2005WR004289.
- Lee, H., McIntyre, N.R., Wheater, H.S., Young, A, R. 2006. Regionalisation of rainfall runoff model in the UK including uncertainty estimations. Water Management, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 159, 129-138.
- Wagener, T., Wheater, H.S. and Gupta, H.V. 2003. Identification and evaluation of watershed models. In: Calibration of Watershed Models. Water Science and Application Vol 6, Ed Qingyun Duan, Gupta, H.V., Sorooshian, S., Rousseau, A.N., Turcotte, R. American Geophysical Union.
- Wagener, T., Lees, M.J. and Wheater, H.S. 2002. A toolkit for the development and application of hydrological models. In Singh, V.P. and Frevert, D. (eds.) Mathematical models of large watershed hydrology. Water Resources Publications LLC, USA, 91-140.