Reacting hydrogen & oxygen with the help of a gas lighter in the palm of a 7 year old at the Exhibition Road Festival. An unusual but fun experience for both of us!!!
We are passionate about showcasing the applications of electrochemistry at a variety events. These range from science festivals to school visits and are aimed at inspiring primary and secondary school pupils, as well as the general public, about science and engineering.
Take a look at the video on the right, taken at the Great Exhibition Road Festival (Imperial College London, 2022), in which Anna demonstrates the energy contained in a small amount of hydrogen gas (this was totally safe, in case you are wondering)!
Over the past few years, our group has been involved in the following:
- Organising and promoting the ‘The Hydrogen Festival’ at UCL in 2017, at which we also ran an interactive exhibition of bench scale photoelectrochemical reactors
- Speaking at the ‘Pint of Science’ event in London in May 2019
- Demonstrating the key concepts of solar fuels at the ‘Imperial Festival’, now called the 'Great Exhibition Road Festival'
- Supporting the delivery of the 'Amazing molecular science show' stand-up show together with science communicator Dan Plane at the Great Exhibition Road Festival in 2022 (really looking forward to doing it again in the coming years!)
- Supporting science sessions held at the Invention Rooms at our White City campus for local families with 5 - 12 year old children. We did activities on 'viruses' and also on 'colours and dyes' and are now working on designing some activities with emphasis on chemical engineering
- Organising annual visits to our department by the London International Youth Forum
- Planning activities for our undergraduate students from 'widening participation' backgrounds
- Hosting a Summer virtual event for secondary school pupils with the student-led Chem Eng Soc (first event took place in July 2022)
Anna talks about her research in electrochemistry
For International Women in Engineering Day 2021 Anna Hankin shares her research in the field of electrochemistry. Usually for this occasion we hold talks as well as Q&A sessions in our department, but this year (since we are still mostly stuck at home) we recorded short intros about our work. Also check out the videos of Dr Maria Papathanasiou and Dr Humera Ansari.