Oral Presentations
Author | Title | Location |
Guanchen Peng | Light-pulse atom interferometry and Chameleon Screened Dark Energy | Young Atom Opticians Conference, 31 July - 5 August 2022 |
Alexandra Tofful | Progress of the ytterbium ion optical clock at NPL towards the optical redefinition of the SI second | Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022 |
Guanchen Peng | Measuring accelaration of atoms to constrain Dark Energy Models that may explain the accelerating universe | Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022 |
Joshua Blunsden | Towards reconfigurable arrays of tweezer traps for ultracold molecules | Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022 |
Dominika Bogusz | Nanophotonic devices couples to molecules for efficient single photon emission | Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022 |
Augustin Vanrietvelde | Consistent circuits for indefinite causal order | QPL, Oxford, June 2022 |
Author | Title | Location |
Alvise Vianello | Quantum non-demolition detection in an optical lattice clock | USOQS / CC4C joint international online workshop - "Novel movements for clocks and sensors", 20-22nd Sept 2021 |
Caleb Rich | Collisions Between Ultracold Molecules and Atoms in a Magnetic Trap | QuAMP 2021 |
Alexandra Tofful | Ytterbium ion as an optical frequency standard | Imperial College Physics PGR Syposium, 8th July |
Hyejung Jee | Quasi-polynomial time algorithms for free quantum gatmes in bounded dimension | ICALP 2021 |
Hyejung Jee | Quasi-polynomial time algorithms for free quantum gatmes in bounded dimension | TQC 2021 |
Oliver Alexander | Inner Valence Hole Migration in Isopropanol | CLEO Europe |
George Ghalanos | Kerr Enhancement of Optomechanics in Microresonators | CLEO/Europe-EQEC, 24th June |
Augustin Vanrietvelde | Routed quantum circuits | QPL 7-11th June (online) |
Augustin Vanrietvelde | Revisiting the coherent control of quantum channels | QPL 7-11th June (online) |
Selwyn Simsek | Quantum control with a multi-dimensional Guassian quantum invariant | Mathematical Physics seminar at Imperial College, 17th March |
Adam Callison | An energetic perspective on rapid quenches in quantum annealing | APS March meeting, 15-19th March (online) |
Author | Title | Location |
Hyejung Jee | Resource distillations in convex Gaussian resource theories | NTU in Singapore |
Augustin Vanrietvelde | Routed quantum circuits | AQIS 2020 |
Hyejung Jee | Characterising quantum correlations of fixed dimension | Q-Turn 2020, 23-27 Nov (online) |
Hyejung Jee | Talk 1 - Characterising quantum correlations of fixed dimension Talk 2 - Resource distillation in convex Gaussian resource theories |
Beyond IID 2020, 9-13 Nov (online) |
Hyejung Jee | Characterising quantum correlations of fixed dimension | QuAlg20 |
George Ghalanos | Splitting Microresonator Modes with the Kerr-Nonlinearity | virtual 2020 FiO + LS Conference, 14 - 17 September 2020 |
Alvise Vianello | Quantum Non-Demolition Detection in an Optical Lattice Clock | virtual IFCS-EFTF2020 conference, 19-23 July |
Alvise Vianello | Quantum Non-Demolition Detection in an Optical Lattice Clock | NPL's Time & Frequency virtual Seminar |
Alvise Vianello | Quantum Non-Demolition Detection in an Optical Lattice Clock | Imperial's Centre for Cold Matter group T-day Seminar series |
Jacopo Mosca Toba | Coherent manipulation of a single ion inside and outside the Lamb-Dicke regime | Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions, CERN, January 2020 |
Author | Title | Location |
Paul Dichtl | Giant and Tunable Optical Nonlinearity in Single-Crystalline 2D Perovskites due to Excitonic and Plasma Effects | Frontiers in Optics 2019, Washington D.C. |
Oliver Alexander | CEP-dependent, >50 eV, high-order harmonics from liquid targets | HICONO 2019, ICFO Barcelona, September 2019 |
Erick Hinds Mingo | Decomposable Coherence and Quantum Fluctuation Theorems | Invited talk in Vienna, June 2019 |
Author | Title | Location |
Alexander Jones | Interfering photons in orthogonal states | Seminar presented at University of Vienna, November 2018 |
Alexander Jones | Interfering photons in orthogonal states | Quantum Optics IX Conference, Cartagena Colombia, October 2018 |
Ben Walker | Bose-Einstein Condensation of Photons | Goldhaber Gordon Group, Stanford University USA, August 2018 |
Alexander Jones | Interfering photons in orthogonal states | QCMC, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Los Angeles USA, March 2018 |
Maximilian Lock | A quantum version of the relativistic light-clock | 'Observers in Quantum Gravity' Conference, Rome Italy, January 2018 |
Author |
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Location |
Thomas Hebdige | Symmetry Constraints and Resources in Quantum Thermodynamics | The First Open Quantum Meeting at the University of Nottingham, November 2017 |
David Newman | Quantum Thermodynamics at Strong System-Reservoir Coupling | New Mathematical Methods for Open Quantum Systems Workshop, Imperial, September 2017. |
Sarah Thomas | A noise-free optical quantum memory at room temperature | CQIQC, Toronto, August 2017 |
John Selby | Reconstructing quantum theory from diagrammatic postulates | IQSA, Nijmegen, June 2017 |
Joseph Munns | Novel Interactions of Dissipative Kerr Solitons in Nonlinear Cavity Networks | CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2017, Munich Germany, June 2017 |
John Selby | The role of operationalism and picturialism in reconstructing quantum theory | Rethinking foundations of physics, Austria, March 2017 |
Andrew Simmons | Plenary talk |
New Directions in Foundations of Physics 2017, Tarquinia, Italy |
David Newman | Strong coupling in quantum heat engines | QOLS seminar, Imperial College London, February 2017 |
Author |
Title |
Location |
Daniel Goldwater | Testing the limits of the quantum superposition principle in nuclear, atomic and optomechanical systems | European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Trento, Italy, September 2016 |
Emilio Pisanty | High harmonic interferometry of the Lorentz force in strong mid-infrared fields | Max Born Institute Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 2016 |
Max Lock | The dynamical Casimir effect in curved spacetime | Gravity in the lab, Benasque, Spain, July 2016 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Thermodynamics beyond free energy | Scientific meeting of PhD students, Wrocław University, 14th June 2016 |
John Selby | The structure of quantum computation from physical principles | Quantum Physics and Logic at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 2016 |
Adam Lawerence | Multi-level quantum control method | CAMEL 12 conference in Nessebar Bulgaria in June 2016 |
Alex Jones | Distinguishability in three-photon scattering | Bristol young scientist conference on quantum information with photons, April 2016 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Stochastic independence as a resource for small scale thermodynamics | Trento University 22th April 2016 |
Emilio Pisanty | Probing non-dipole effects in high-harmonic generation using non-collinear beams | 1st XLIC WG1 Meeting on "Frontiers in attosecond theory: from atoms to molecules to solids", Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, April 2016 |
Emilio Pisanty | Electron dynamics in complex time and complex space | ICFO group seminar, Barcelona, Spain, April 2016 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Stochastic Independence as a resource for small-scale thermodynamics | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3th April 2016 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Stochastic Independence as a resource for small-scale thermodynamics | APS March Meeting, 17th March 2016 |
John Selby | Higher order interference and phase in operational theories | Formulating and finding higher-order interference 2016 at the Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada |
Kamil Korzewkwa | Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics | APS March Meeting, Baltimore, 2016 |
Kamil Korzewkwa | Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics | 4th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Wrocław, 2016 |
Kamil Korzewkwa | Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics | Quantum Information Theroy seminar, ICFO Barcelona, 2016 |
Kamil Korzewkwa | Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach | Quantum Science Group seminar, University of Sydney, 2016 |
Kamil Korzewkwa | Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach | Takahiro Sagawa's Group seminar, University of Tokyo, 2016 |
Kamil Korzewkwa | Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach | Quantum Optics and Laser Science Group seminar, Imperial College London, 2016 |
Kamil Korzewkwa | The extraction of work from quantum coherence | Scientific meeting of PhD students, Wrocław University of Technology, 2016 |
Author | Title | Location |
Kamil Korzekwa | Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics | Quantum Information Theory seminar, ETH Zurich, 2015 |
Kamil Korzekwa | Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics | Symposium on Quantum Coherence, University of Ulm, 2015 |
Kamil Korzekwa | Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach | Coherence-Correlations-Complexity seminar, Wrocław University of Technology, 2015 |
Joseph Munns | Bad Cavities for Good Memories: Suppression of Four-Wave Mixing in Raman Memories | OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, San Jose USA, October 2015 |
John Selby | The meaning of the adjoint in quantum theory | QTFT, Växjö, Sweden, October 2015 |
Max Frenzel | Autonomous quantum thermal machines and quantum to classical energy flow | University of Tokyo, Japan, 5 October 2015 |
Dan Goldwater | Testing Collapse Theories Using Parametric Heating of a Trapped Nanosphere | Non-interferometric Tests of the Quantum Superposition Principle, Trieste, 17th Sept 2015 |
Matteo Lostaglio | The resource theory approach to thermodynamics and coherence | California Institute of Technology, Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM), 14 August 2015 |
Andrew Tranter | Optimal Trotter orderings for Jordan-Wigner and Bravyi-Kitaev Hamiltonians | Novel Computing Approaches to Quantum Chemistry, Telluride Science Research Center, USA, 2 August 2015 |
Matteo Lostaglio | The role of coherence in quantum thermodynamics | Invited seminar at University of Nottingham, 8 July 2015 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Extracting work from absence of correlations | Invited seminar at University College London, 11 June 2015 |
John Selby | The meaning of the adjoint in quantum theory | QTFT, Växjö, Sweden, June 2015 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Thermodynamics beyond free energy relations: a QI perspective on non-equilibrium | Invited seminar at University of Pavia, 18 May 2015 |
Mark Mitchison | Transient dynamics of autonomous quantum heat engines | Conference at New Trends in Complex Quantum System Dynamics in Cartagena, Spain, May 2015 |
Mark Mitchison | Coherence-assisted single-shot cooling by quantum absorption refrigerators | Invited seminar at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, May 2015 |
Isabel Rabey | The roundness of the electron: my PhD | Women in Physics, Undergraduate event, Imperial College London, May 2015 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Thermodynamics beyond free energy relations: "quantum" quantum thermodynamics | 2nd Quantum Thermodynamics Conference, (University of Balearic Islands, 19-24 April 2015) |
Mark Mitchison | Rydberg impurity probes in ultracold gases | Conference at APS March Meeting, San Antonio, USA, March 2015 |
Devin Dunseith | A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules | MMQA IV Annual Meeting, 16th - 17th March in Durham |
Andrew Tranter | The Bravyi-Kitaev Transformation and Optimal Trotter Orderings | Workshop on Quantum Information for Quantum Chemistry, University College London, 11 March 2015 |
Devin Dunseith | A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules | APS March Meeting, 2nd - 6th March 2015 in San Antonio, Texas |
Max Frenzel | Reexamination of Pure Qubit Work Extraction | Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore, 13 February 2015 |
Joseph Munns | Towards Noiseless Integrated Quantum Memories | SPIE Photonics West - OPTO, San Francisco USA, February 2015 |
Author | Title | Location |
Naomi Nickerson | Freely Scalable Quantum Technologies using Cells of 5 to 50 Qubits with Very Lossy and Noisy Photonic Links |
Third International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, ETH Zürich, Dec 2014 |
Yameng Cao | Information Coherence in Quantum Dots | Imperial College Postgraduate Symposium, 2014 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Thermodynamics beyond free energy relations | 7th meeting of ColLoQuI - Colleges of London Quantum Information (Imperial College London, 5th November 2014) |
Kamil Korzekwa | Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics | 7th Colleges of London Quantum Information Meeting, Imperial College London, November 2014 |
Max Frenzel | Reexamination of Pure Qubit Work Extraction | Oxford University, UK, 20 October 2014 |
Darren Holland | Direct laser cooling of BH molecules | Photon 14, 1st - 4th September in Imperial College London |
Devin Dunseith | A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules | Photon 14, 1st - 4th September in Imperial College London |
David Murgia | Towards large scale quantum information processing with trapped ions | SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging conference, San Diego, 21st August 2014 |
Max Frenzel | Reexamination of Pure Qubit Work Extraction | University of Tokyo, Japan, 18 July 2014 |
Emilio Pisanty Alatorre | Spin conservation in bicircular HHG | 1st XLIC Work Group 1 meeting on Ultrafast electron dynamics in molecules, on 3-4 July 2014 at UCL |
Emilio Pisanty Alatorre | Spin conservation in bicircular HHG: a photon exchange model | Taller de Dinámica y Estructura de la Materia, 10-13 June 2014 at the ICF-UNAM |
Claudio Polisseni | Sub-wavelength thin film growth for single photon emission from dye molecules | Experimental Nanotechnology Group, Kings College London, 10 June 2014 |
Kyle Major | Single molecules in an optical fibre microcavity | Experimental Nanotechnology Group, Kings College London, 10 June 2014 |
Max Frenzel | Pure Qubit Work Extraction Revisited | Imperial College London, 4 June 2014 |
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia | My journey to a PhD in Optical Quantum Computation | Women in Physics Open Day, Imperial College London Blackett Laboratory, 4th June 2014 |
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia | Resource-efficient construction of a linear optical cluster state | IQOQI, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 28 May 2014 |
Antony Milne | A physical derivation and generalisation of Euler's triangle theorem | Junior Geometry Seminar, Imperial College London, 26 March 2014 |
Author |
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Location |
Devin Dunseith | A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules | MMQA III Annual Meeting, 17th - 19th December 2013 in Imperial College London |
Max Frenzel | Work Extraction From Quantum Systems | Imperial College London, 26 September 2013 |
Jacob Iles-Smith | A simple approach to dissipative energy transport in non-perturbative regimes | Quantum simulations of Open Quantum Systems, Freidberg, 13th November 2013 |
Jacob Iles-Smith | Energy Transport in non-Perturbative regimes | Polaron day 13, Cambridge, 10th September 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions | University College London, 10th September 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions | 3rd AQuA Student Congress, Imperial College London, 30th August 2013 |
Emilio Pisanty | The role of correlations in tunnel ionization | The Aspuru-Guzik group of quantum chemistry, Harvard University, 2nd August 2013 |
Max Frenzel | Truncation-free Matrix Product States and Applications to the Spin Boson Model | University of Ulm, Germany, 31st July 2013 |
Matteo Lostaglio | Scale anomaly as the origin of time | Loops 2013, (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 22-26 July 2013) |
Benjamin Brown | Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions | Colloquium talk at the Université de Sherbrooke, 17th July 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions | Quantum computing: a quantum group approach, University of Leeds, 1st July 2013 |
Joe Goodwin | Towards Sideband Cooling of 40Ca+ Ions in a Penning Trap | Ion Storage Group Seminar, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, Colorado, USA, 21st June 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | Quantum tunnelling in biology: Should we care? | Last Frontiers in Quantum Information Science workshop, Alaska, 21st June 2013 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Dynamics of topological defects in ion Coulomb crystals | Seminar, Institute of theoretical physics, University of Ulm, Germany, 19th June 2013 |
Aizar Enciso Dominguez | Cavity QED systems simulating field theories using Continuous Matrix Product States (cMPS) as variational states | Group Seminar of Gravitation and Mathematical Physics, Mexico City, 13th June 2013 |
Didier Nohlmans | A permanent magnet trap for buffer gas cooled atoms and molecules | 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Quebec City, Canada, 6th June 2013 |
Aizar Enciso Dominguez | Cavity QED systems simulating field theories using Continuous Matrix Product States (cMPS) as variational states | 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Quebec City, Canada, 6th June 2013 |
Tanapat Deesuwan | On heat in a quantum mechanical process | 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Qu ebec City, Canada, 6th June 2013 |
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia | Building an optical quantum computer | Seminar at Departamento de Física Teórica I, FAcultad de CC. Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, May 2013 |
Matthew Pusey | Negativity and steering: a stronger Peres conjecture | London Foundations Connection, Imperial College London, May 2013 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Investigating Kibble-Zurek mechanism in ion traps | Seminar, Quantum physics institute, University of Ulm, Germany, 24th April 2013 |
Tanapat Deesuwan | On heat in a quantum mechanical process | Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information 2013 – joint efforts and new directions in mathematical physics, University of Nottingha m, 3rd April 2013 |
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia | Simulation with stabilizer circuits | UCL QCumber 2013, Quantum Technologies Programme, Cumberland Lodge, April 2013 |
Matthew Pusey | On the character of the wavefunction | Quantum Theory Without Observers III, Bielefeld University, April 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid | Pe rimeter institute, Waterloo, Canada, 26th March 2013 |
Matthew Pusey | Quantum lost property: A possible operational meaning for the Hilbert-Schmidt product | APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 22nd March 2013 |
Joe Goodwin | Coulomb Crystals in a Penning Trap | APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 22nd March 2013 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Testing Kibble-Zurek mechanism in ion traps | APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 21st March 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid | APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 21st March 2013 |
Benjamin Brown |
Topological Entanglement Entropy with a Twist |
APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 19th March 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | Contributions of q uantum tunnelling in enzyme-catalysed reactions - joint presentation with Dr Janet Anders | Chemistry Seminar at UC Berkeley, California, USA, 11th March 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | Twists - Topology, Anyons and Lattice Defects - Double Feature (Ft. Courtney Brell) | Leibniz Universität Hannover, 5th Ma rch 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | Twists - Topology, Anyons and Lattice Defects - Double Feature (Ft. Courtney Brell) | Freie Universität Berlin, 28th February 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar | Quinfo seminar, UCL, 26th February 2013 |
Benjami n Brown | To What Extent can Topoological Defects be Regarded as 'Particle-Like? | Universiteit van Amsterdam, 22nd February 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | Enhancing Memory Times on Surface Codes using Domain Walls | Universität Basel, 20th February 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | Enhancing Memory Times on Surface Codes using Domain Walls | Benasque Symposium of Topological Quantum Information , 15th February 2013 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Experimental Tests of Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Ion Traps | Seminar, Institute of theoretical physics, University of Ulm, Germany, 13th February 2013 |
Benjamin Brown | To what extent can a topological defect be regarded as anyon-like? | Universidad Complutense Madrid, 11th February 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar | Riken university, Tokyo, Japan, 30th January 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar | NII QIST, Tokyo, Japan, 29th January 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar | University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 24th January 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar | Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 23r d January 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid | Sydney quantum information theory workshop, Coogee, Sydney university, 17th January 2013 |
Sania Jevtic | The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar | Centre for quantum technologies, Singapore university, 9th January 2013 |
Matthew Pusey & Peter Lewis | Are quantum states real? | International Laser Center, Moscow State University, January 2013 |
Author |
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Location |
Sania Jevtic | Contributions of quantum tunnelling in enzyme-catalysed reactions | Seminar, University of Manchester, 17th December 2012 |
Matthew Pusey | Quantum lost property | CQT Talk, National University of Singapore, December 2012 |
Emilio Pisanty Alatorre | Interacciones durante el efecto túnel (Interactions during the tunnel effect) | II Symposium of CONACYT Scholars and Ex-scholars in Europe at the European Parliament, Strasbourg, 30th November 2012 |
Tanapat Deesuwan | The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Jarzynski Equality, and Beyond | Student Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Mechanics University of Nottingham, 9th November 2012 |
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia | Building an optical quantum computer | Student conference on mathematical and theoretical aspects of Quantum Mecha nics, University of Nottingham, 7-9 November 2012 |
Sania Jevtic | Contributions of quantum tunnelling in enzyme-catalysed reactions | Seminar, U CL, 2nd Novemeber 2012 |
Matthew Pusey | What's an unknown POVM? | Quantum Foundations seminar, Perimeter Institute, November 2012 |
Sania Jevtic | Contribution of quantum tunnelling events in chemical rates |
Quantum biology workshop, University of Surrey, 17th September 2012 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Linear to zigzag phase transition in ion traps |
Quantum Lunch Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US, 12th September 2012 |
Darren Holland | Molecu lar source brightness |
MMQA junior meeting, Durham, September 2012 |
Benjamin Brown | Topolog ical Entanglement Entropy with a Twist |
Leeds University, 20 July 2012 |
Fern Watson | Overhead for the toric code in the presence of bit or phase flip errors | Seminar, University of Sherbrooke, 3 July 2012 |
Aizar Dominguez Enciso | Analysis of cavity QED systems towards an application of cMPS in field theories | QuaCS - Quantum Correlations Students workshop, Univeristy of Nottingham, 1st-3rd July, 2012 |
Ross Dorner | Tasaki-Cr ooks meets Jordan-Wigner | Department of Physics, University College Cork, Ireland, August 2012 |
Fern Watson | Overhead for the toric code in the presence of bit or phase flip errors | Seminar at IQIS in Calgary, 26 June 2012 |
Tanapat Deesuwan | The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Jarzynski Equality, and Beyond< /td> | 2nd AQuA Student Congress, IQC University of Waterloo, 22 June 2012 |
Fern Watson | Overhead for the toric code in the presence of bit or phase flip errors | 2nd AQuA Student conference, IQC University of Waterloo, 19 June 2012 |
Benjamin Brown | Topological Entanglement Entropy with a Twist | 2nd AQuA Student Congress, IQC University of Waterloo, 19 June 2012 |
Matthew Pusey | On the reality of the quantum state | New Directions in the Foundations of Physics, Mathemat ical Association of America Carriage House, May 2012 |
Matthew Pusey | Comparing two explanations for qubits | "Foundational questions of quantum information", Télécom ParisTech, April 2012 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Trapped ions as simulators of physical systems | Seminar, Ion Quantum Technology Group, University of Sussex, UK, 26th April 2012 |
Peter Lewis | What do we know about the wavefunction? | London Foundations Connection, The Insti tute of Philosop hy, University of London, 20 April 2012 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Formation of helical ion chains | DPG meeting, Stuttgart, Germany, 15th April 2012 |
Benj amin Brown | Topological Entanglement Entropy with a Twist | NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore, Isti tuto di Nanoscienze-CNR, 3 April 2012 |
Tanapat Deesuwan | A Curious Violation of the Second Law in the Quantum Regime | Samaggi Academic Networking E vent II, Cardiff University, 25th February 2012 |
Ross Dorner | Quantum Biology | Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Queens University Belfast, February 2012 |
Matthew Pusey | The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically | Quantum Computation & Information seminar, Bristol, February 2012 |
Sania Jevtic | Correlations on the unitary orbit | Colloqui, UCL, 11th Feb 2012 |
Matthew Pusey | The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically | CDT board mee ting student talk, Imperial College London, January 2 012 |
Matthew Pusey | The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically | High Energy Physics se minar, Imperial College London, January 2012 |
Matthew Pusey | The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically | Quantum Information seminar, University College London, January 2012 |
Author |
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Matthew Pusey | The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically | Philosophy of Physics research seminar, Oxford, November 2011 |
Matthew Pusey | The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically | Q+ Hangout, Google+, November 2011 |
Ross Dorner | Quantum coherent contributions in biological electron transport | NITheP Research Workshop in Quant um Biology, National Institute for Theoretical Physics, South Africa, November 2011 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Solitons in zigzag ion chains | CoQuS retreat, Traunkirchen, Austria, 2nd October 2011 |
Fern Watson | Pendulums | Green Man festival, Wales, August 2011 |
Benjamin Brown | Generating Topological Order from a Two-Di mensional Cluster State | Macquarie, Sydney, Australia, 1 August 2011 |
Sania Jevtic | Thermodynamics in the presence of correlations | QI and Foundations of Thermodynamics conference, Zurich, 12 Aug 2011 |
Benjamin Brown | Generating Topological Order from a Two-Dimensional Cluster State | UCL, 14 June 2011 |
Matthew Pusey | Bell inequalities sans computation | ColLoQuI, Imperial College London, March 2011 |
Ramil Nigmatullin | Testing Kibble-Zurek mechanism using Penning traps | Seminar, Theoretical Quantum Physics Group, University of Saarland, Germany, 15th February 2011 |
Author |
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Benjamin Brown |
Phase Transitions in One- and Two-Dimensional Models |
AQuA Student Congress, NUS Singapore, 6 December 2010 |