
Guanchen Peng Light-pulse atom interferometry and Chameleon Screened Dark Energy Young Atom Opticians Conference, 31 July - 5 August 2022
Alexandra Tofful Progress of the ytterbium ion optical clock at NPL towards the optical redefinition of the SI second Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022
Guanchen Peng Measuring accelaration of atoms to constrain Dark Energy Models that may explain the accelerating universe Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022
Joshua Blunsden Towards reconfigurable arrays of tweezer traps for ultracold molecules Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022
Dominika Bogusz Nanophotonic devices couples to molecules for efficient single photon emission Postgraduate Symposium, Imperial College London, 6th July 2022
Augustin Vanrietvelde Consistent circuits for indefinite causal order QPL, Oxford, June 2022
Alvise Vianello Quantum non-demolition detection in an optical lattice clock USOQS / CC4C joint international online workshop - "Novel movements for clocks and sensors", 20-22nd Sept 2021
Caleb Rich Collisions Between Ultracold Molecules and Atoms in a Magnetic Trap QuAMP 2021
Alexandra Tofful Ytterbium ion as an optical frequency standard Imperial College Physics PGR Syposium, 8th July
Hyejung Jee Quasi-polynomial time algorithms for free quantum gatmes in bounded dimension ICALP 2021
Hyejung Jee Quasi-polynomial time algorithms for free quantum gatmes in bounded dimension TQC 2021
Oliver Alexander Inner Valence Hole Migration in Isopropanol CLEO Europe
George Ghalanos Kerr Enhancement of Optomechanics in Microresonators CLEO/Europe-EQEC, 24th June
Augustin Vanrietvelde Routed quantum circuits QPL 7-11th June (online)
Augustin Vanrietvelde Revisiting the coherent control of quantum channels QPL 7-11th June (online)
Selwyn Simsek Quantum control with a multi-dimensional Guassian quantum invariant Mathematical Physics seminar at Imperial College, 17th March
Adam Callison An energetic perspective on rapid quenches in quantum annealing APS March meeting, 15-19th March (online)
Summary of the table's contents
Hyejung Jee Resource distillations in convex Gaussian resource theories NTU in Singapore
Augustin Vanrietvelde Routed quantum circuits AQIS 2020
Hyejung Jee Characterising quantum correlations of fixed dimension Q-Turn 2020, 23-27 Nov (online)
Hyejung Jee Talk 1 - Characterising quantum correlations of fixed dimension 
Talk 2 - Resource distillation in convex Gaussian resource theories
Beyond IID 2020, 9-13 Nov (online)
Hyejung Jee Characterising quantum correlations of fixed dimension QuAlg20
George Ghalanos Splitting Microresonator Modes with the Kerr-Nonlinearity virtual 2020 FiO + LS Conference, 14 - 17 September 2020
Alvise Vianello Quantum Non-Demolition Detection in an Optical Lattice Clock virtual IFCS-EFTF2020 conference, 19-23 July
Alvise Vianello Quantum Non-Demolition Detection in an Optical Lattice Clock NPL's Time & Frequency virtual Seminar
Alvise Vianello Quantum Non-Demolition Detection in an Optical Lattice Clock Imperial's Centre for Cold Matter group T-day Seminar series
Jacopo Mosca Toba Coherent manipulation of a single ion inside and outside the Lamb-Dicke regime Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions, CERN, January 2020
Summary of the table's contents
 Paul Dichtl Giant and Tunable Optical Nonlinearity in Single-Crystalline 2D Perovskites due to Excitonic and Plasma Effects  Frontiers in Optics 2019, Washington D.C.
 Oliver Alexander CEP-dependent, >50 eV, high-order harmonics from liquid targets  HICONO 2019, ICFO Barcelona, September 2019
Erick Hinds Mingo Decomposable Coherence and Quantum Fluctuation Theorems Invited talk in Vienna, June 2019
Summary of the table's contents
Alexander Jones Interfering photons in orthogonal states Seminar presented at University of Vienna, November 2018
Alexander Jones Interfering photons in orthogonal states Quantum Optics IX Conference, Cartagena Colombia, October 2018
Ben Walker Bose-Einstein Condensation of Photons Goldhaber Gordon Group, Stanford University USA, August 2018
Alexander Jones Interfering photons in orthogonal states QCMC, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Los Angeles USA, March 2018
Maximilian Lock A quantum version of the relativistic light-clock 'Observers in Quantum Gravity' Conference, Rome Italy, January 2018
Summary of the table's contents
Thomas Hebdige Symmetry Constraints and Resources in Quantum Thermodynamics The First Open Quantum Meeting at the University of Nottingham, November 2017
David Newman Quantum Thermodynamics at Strong System-Reservoir Coupling New Mathematical Methods for Open Quantum Systems Workshop, Imperial, September 2017.
Sarah Thomas A noise-free optical quantum memory at room temperature CQIQC, Toronto, August 2017
John Selby Reconstructing quantum theory from diagrammatic postulates IQSA, Nijmegen, June 2017
Joseph Munns Novel Interactions of Dissipative Kerr Solitons in Nonlinear Cavity Networks  CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2017, Munich Germany, June 2017
John Selby  The role of operationalism and picturialism in reconstructing quantum theory  Rethinking foundations of physics, Austria, March 2017
Andrew Simmons Plenary talk
New Directions in Foundations of Physics 2017, Tarquinia, Italy
David Newman Strong coupling in quantum heat engines  QOLS seminar, Imperial College London, February 2017
Daniel Goldwater Testing the limits of the quantum superposition principle in nuclear, atomic and optomechanical systems European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas, Trento, Italy, September 2016
Emilio Pisanty High harmonic interferometry of the Lorentz force in strong mid-infrared fields  Max Born Institute Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Berlin, Germany, September 2016
Max Lock The dynamical Casimir effect in curved spacetime Gravity in the lab, Benasque, Spain, July 2016
Matteo Lostaglio Thermodynamics beyond free energy Scientific meeting of PhD students, Wrocław University, 14th June 2016
John Selby  The structure of quantum computation from physical principles  Quantum Physics and Logic at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, June 2016
Adam Lawerence   Multi-level quantum control method CAMEL 12 conference in Nessebar Bulgaria in June 2016
Alex Jones Distinguishability in three-photon scattering Bristol young scientist conference on quantum information with photons, April 2016
Matteo Lostaglio Stochastic independence as a resource for small scale thermodynamics Trento University 22th April 2016
Emilio Pisanty  Probing non-dipole effects in high-harmonic generation using non-collinear beams 1st XLIC WG1 Meeting on "Frontiers in attosecond theory: from atoms to molecules to solids", Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium, April 2016
Emilio Pisanty Electron dynamics in complex time and complex space   ICFO group seminar, Barcelona, Spain, April 2016
Matteo Lostaglio Stochastic Independence as a resource for small-scale thermodynamics  Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3th April 2016
Matteo Lostaglio Stochastic Independence as a resource for small-scale thermodynamics  APS March Meeting, 17th March 2016
John Selby Higher order interference and phase in operational theories  Formulating and finding higher-order interference 2016 at the Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada
Kamil Korzewkwa Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics  APS March Meeting, Baltimore, 2016
Kamil Korzewkwa Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics 4th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Wrocław, 2016
Kamil Korzewkwa Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics Quantum Information Theroy seminar, ICFO Barcelona, 2016
Kamil Korzewkwa Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach Quantum Science Group seminar, University of Sydney, 2016
Kamil Korzewkwa Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach Takahiro Sagawa's Group seminar, University of Tokyo, 2016
Kamil Korzewkwa Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach Quantum Optics and Laser Science Group seminar, Imperial College London, 2016
Kamil Korzewkwa The extraction of work from quantum coherence Scientific meeting of PhD students, Wrocław University of Technology, 2016
Kamil Korzekwa Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics Quantum Information Theory seminar, ETH Zurich, 2015
Kamil Korzekwa Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics Symposium on Quantum Coherence, University of Ulm, 2015
Kamil Korzekwa  Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach Coherence-Correlations-Complexity seminar, Wrocław University of Technology, 2015
Joseph Munns Bad Cavities for Good Memories: Suppression of Four-Wave Mixing in Raman Memories  OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, San Jose USA, October 2015
John Selby The meaning of the adjoint in quantum theory QTFT, Växjö, Sweden, October 2015
Max Frenzel Autonomous quantum thermal machines and quantum to classical energy flow University of Tokyo, Japan, 5 October 2015
Dan Goldwater Testing Collapse Theories Using Parametric Heating of a Trapped Nanosphere Non-interferometric Tests of the Quantum Superposition Principle, Trieste, 17th Sept 2015
Matteo Lostaglio The resource theory approach to thermodynamics and coherence California Institute of Technology, Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM), 14 August 2015
Andrew Tranter Optimal Trotter orderings for Jordan-Wigner and Bravyi-Kitaev Hamiltonians Novel Computing Approaches to Quantum Chemistry, Telluride Science Research Center, USA, 2 August 2015
Matteo Lostaglio The role of coherence in quantum thermodynamics Invited seminar at University of Nottingham, 8 July 2015
Matteo Lostaglio Extracting work from absence of correlations  Invited seminar at University College London, 11 June 2015
John Selby The meaning of the adjoint in quantum theory QTFT, Växjö, Sweden, June 2015
Matteo Lostaglio Thermodynamics beyond free energy relations: a QI perspective on non-equilibrium Invited seminar at University of Pavia, 18 May 2015
Mark Mitchison Transient dynamics of autonomous quantum heat engines Conference at New Trends in Complex Quantum System Dynamics in Cartagena, Spain, May 2015
Mark Mitchison Coherence-assisted single-shot cooling by quantum absorption refrigerators Invited seminar at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, May 2015
Isabel Rabey The roundness of the electron: my PhD Women in Physics, Undergraduate event, Imperial College London, May 2015
Matteo Lostaglio Thermodynamics beyond free energy relations: "quantum" quantum thermodynamics 2nd Quantum Thermodynamics Conference, (University of Balearic Islands, 19-24 April 2015)
Mark Mitchison Rydberg impurity probes in ultracold gases Conference at APS March Meeting, San Antonio, USA, March 2015
Devin Dunseith  A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules MMQA IV Annual Meeting, 16th - 17th March in Durham
Andrew Tranter The Bravyi-Kitaev Transformation and Optimal Trotter Orderings Workshop on Quantum Information for Quantum Chemistry, University College London, 11 March 2015
Devin Dunseith  A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules APS March Meeting, 2nd - 6th March 2015 in San Antonio, Texas
Max Frenzel Reexamination of Pure Qubit Work Extraction Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore, 13 February 2015
Joseph Munns Towards Noiseless Integrated Quantum Memories  SPIE Photonics West - OPTO, San Francisco USA, February 2015
Naomi Nickerson Freely Scalable Quantum Technologies using Cells of 5­ to­ 50 Qubits with Very Lossy and Noisy Photonic Links

Third International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, ETH Zürich, Dec 2014

Yameng Cao Information Coherence in Quantum Dots Imperial College Postgraduate Symposium, 2014
Matteo Lostaglio Thermodynamics beyond free energy relations 7th meeting of ColLoQuI - Colleges of London Quantum Information (Imperial College London, 5th November 2014)
Kamil Korzekwa Quantum coherence, time-translation symmetry and thermodynamics 7th Colleges of London Quantum Information Meeting, Imperial College London, November 2014
Max Frenzel Reexamination of Pure Qubit Work Extraction Oxford University, UK, 20 October 2014
Darren Holland Direct laser cooling of BH molecules Photon 14, 1st - 4th September in Imperial College London
Devin Dunseith A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules Photon 14, 1st - 4th September in Imperial College London
David Murgia Towards large scale quantum information processing with trapped ions SPIE Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging conference, San Diego, 21st August 2014
Max Frenzel Reexamination of Pure Qubit Work Extraction University of Tokyo, Japan, 18 July 2014
Emilio Pisanty Alatorre Spin conservation in bicircular HHG 1st XLIC Work Group 1 meeting on Ultrafast electron dynamics in molecules, on 3-4 July 2014 at UCL
Emilio Pisanty Alatorre Spin conservation in bicircular HHG: a photon exchange model Taller de Dinámica y Estructura de la Materia, 10-13 June 2014 at the ICF-UNAM
Claudio Polisseni Sub-wavelength thin film growth for single photon emission from dye molecules Experimental Nanotechnology Group, Kings College London, 10 June 2014
Kyle Major Single molecules in an optical fibre microcavity Experimental Nanotechnology Group, Kings College London, 10 June 2014
Max Frenzel Pure Qubit Work Extraction Revisited Imperial College London, 4 June 2014
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia My journey to a PhD in Optical Quantum Computation Women in Physics Open Day, Imperial College London Blackett Laboratory, 4th June 2014
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia Resource-efficient construction of a linear optical cluster state IQOQI, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 28 May 2014
Antony Milne A physical derivation and generalisation of Euler's triangle theorem Junior Geometry Seminar, Imperial College London, 26 March 2014




Devin Dunseith A microwave trap for sympathetic cooling of polar molecules MMQA III Annual Meeting, 17th - 19th December 2013 in Imperial College London
Max Frenzel Work Extraction From Quantum Systems Imperial College London, 26 September 2013
Jacob Iles-Smith A simple approach to dissipative energy transport in non-perturbative regimes Quantum simulations of Open Quantum Systems, Freidberg, 13th November 2013
Jacob Iles-Smith Energy Transport in non-Perturbative regimes Polaron day 13, Cambridge, 10th September 2013
Benjamin Brown Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions University College London, 10th September 2013
Benjamin Brown Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions 3rd AQuA Student Congress, Imperial College London, 30th August 2013
Emilio Pisanty The role of correlations in tunnel ionization The Aspuru-Guzik group of quantum chemistry, Harvard University, 2nd August 2013
Max Frenzel Truncation-free Matrix Product States and Applications to the Spin Boson Model University of Ulm, Germany, 31st July 2013
Matteo Lostaglio Scale anomaly as the origin of time Loops 2013, (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 22-26 July 2013)
Benjamin Brown Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions Colloquium talk at the Université de Sherbrooke, 17th July 2013
Benjamin Brown Glassy quantum memories in two dimensions Quantum computing: a quantum group approach, University of Leeds, 1st July 2013
Joe Goodwin Towards Sideband Cooling of 40Ca+ Ions in a Penning Trap Ion Storage Group Seminar, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Boulder, Colorado, USA, 21st June 2013
Sania Jevtic Quantum tunnelling in biology: Should we care? Last Frontiers in Quantum Information Science workshop, Alaska, 21st June 2013
Ramil Nigmatullin Dynamics of topological defects in ion Coulomb crystals Seminar, Institute of theoretical physics, University of Ulm, Germany, 19th June 2013
Aizar Enciso Dominguez Cavity QED systems simulating field theories using Continuous Matrix Product  States (cMPS) as variational states Group Seminar of Gravitation and Mathematical Physics, Mexico City, 13th June 2013
Didier Nohlmans A permanent magnet trap for buffer gas cooled atoms and molecules 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Quebec City, Canada, 6th June 2013
Aizar Enciso Dominguez Cavity QED systems simulating field theories using Continuous Matrix Product  States (cMPS) as variational states 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Quebec City, Canada, 6th June 2013
Tanapat Deesuwan On heat in a quantum mechanical process 44th Annual DAMOP Meeting, Qu ebec City, Canada, 6th June 2013
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia Building an optical quantum computer  Seminar at Departamento de Física Teórica I, FAcultad de CC. Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, May 2013
Matthew Pusey Negativity and steering: a stronger Peres conjecture London Foundations Connection, Imperial College London, May 2013
Ramil Nigmatullin Investigating Kibble-Zurek mechanism  in ion traps Seminar, Quantum physics institute, University of Ulm, Germany, 24th April 2013
Tanapat Deesuwan On heat in a quantum mechanical process Quantum Fields, Gravity & Information 2013 – joint efforts and new directions in mathematical physics, University of Nottingha m, 3rd April 2013
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia Simulation with stabilizer circuits UCL QCumber 2013, Quantum Technologies Programme, Cumberland Lodge, April 2013
Matthew Pusey On the character of the wavefunction Quantum Theory Without Observers III, Bielefeld University, April 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid Pe rimeter institute, Waterloo, Canada, 26th March 2013
Matthew Pusey Quantum lost property: A possible operational meaning for the Hilbert-Schmidt product APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 22nd March 2013
Joe Goodwin Coulomb Crystals in a Penning Trap APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 22nd March 2013
Ramil Nigmatullin Testing Kibble-Zurek mechanism in ion traps APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 21st March 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 21st March 2013
Benjamin Brown

Topological Entanglement Entropy with a Twist

APS March meeting, Baltimore convention centre, USA, 19th March 2013
Sania Jevtic Contributions of q uantum tunnelling in enzyme-catalysed reactions - joint presentation with Dr Janet Anders Chemistry Seminar at UC Berkeley, California, USA, 11th March 2013
Benjamin Brown Twists - Topology, Anyons and Lattice Defects - Double Feature (Ft. Courtney Brell) Leibniz Universität Hannover, 5th Ma rch 2013
Benjamin Brown Twists - Topology, Anyons and Lattice Defects - Double Feature (Ft. Courtney Brell) Freie Universität Berlin, 28th February 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar Quinfo seminar, UCL, 26th February 2013
Benjami n Brown To What Extent can Topoological Defects be Regarded as 'Particle-Like? Universiteit van Amsterdam, 22nd February 2013
Benjamin Brown Enhancing Memory Times on Surface Codes using Domain Walls Universität Basel, 20th February 2013
Benjamin Brown  Enhancing Memory Times on Surface Codes using Domain Walls Benasque Symposium of Topological Quantum Information , 15th February 2013
Ramil Nigmatullin Experimental Tests of Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in Ion Traps Seminar, Institute of theoretical physics, University of Ulm, Germany, 13th February 2013
Benjamin Brown To what extent can a topological defect be regarded as anyon-like? Universidad Complutense Madrid, 11th February 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar Riken university, Tokyo, Japan, 30th January 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar NII QIST, Tokyo, Japan, 29th January 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 24th January 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 23r d January 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid Sydney quantum information theory workshop, Coogee, Sydney university, 17th January 2013
Sania Jevtic The quantum steering ellipsoid - Seminar Centre for quantum technologies, Singapore university, 9th January 2013
Matthew Pusey & Peter Lewis Are quantum states real? International Laser Center, Moscow State University, January 2013




Sania Jevtic Contributions of quantum tunnelling in enzyme-catalysed reactions Seminar, University of Manchester, 17th December 2012
Matthew Pusey Quantum lost property CQT Talk, National University of Singapore, December 2012
Emilio Pisanty Alatorre Interacciones durante el efecto túnel (Interactions during the tunnel effect) II Symposium of CONACYT Scholars and Ex-scholars in Europe at the European Parliament, Strasbourg, 30th November 2012
Tanapat Deesuwan The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Jarzynski Equality, and Beyond Student Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Mechanics University of Nottingham, 9th November 2012
Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia Building an optical quantum computer Student conference on mathematical and theoretical aspects of Quantum Mecha nics, University of Nottingham, 7-9 November 2012
Sania Jevtic Contributions of quantum tunnelling in enzyme-catalysed reactions Seminar, U CL, 2nd Novemeber 2012
Matthew Pusey What's an unknown POVM? Quantum Foundations seminar, Perimeter Institute, November 2012
Sania Jevtic Contribution of quantum tunnelling events in chemical rates

Quantum biology workshop, University of Surrey, 17th September 2012

Ramil Nigmatullin Linear to zigzag phase transition in ion traps

Quantum Lunch Seminar, Los Alamos National Laboratory, US, 12th September 2012

Darren Holland Molecu lar source brightness

MMQA junior meeting, Durham, September 2012

Benjamin Brown Topolog ical Entanglement Entropy with a Twist

Leeds University, 20 July 2012

Fern Watson Overhead for the toric code in the presence of bit or phase flip errors Seminar, University of Sherbrooke, 3 July 2012
Aizar Dominguez Enciso Analysis of cavity QED systems towards an application of cMPS in field theories QuaCS - Quantum Correlations Students workshop, Univeristy of Nottingham, 1st-3rd July, 2012
Ross Dorner Tasaki-Cr ooks meets Jordan-Wigner Department of Physics, University College Cork, Ireland, August 2012
Fern Watson Overhead for the toric code in the presence of bit or phase flip errors Seminar at IQIS in Calgary, 26 June 2012
Tanapat Deesuwan The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Jarzynski Equality, and Beyond< /td> 2nd AQuA Student Congress, IQC University of Waterloo, 22 June 2012
Fern Watson Overhead for the toric code in the presence of bit or phase flip errors 2nd AQuA Student conference, IQC University of Waterloo, 19 June 2012
Benjamin Brown Topological Entanglement Entropy with a Twist 2nd AQuA Student Congress, IQC University of Waterloo, 19 June 2012
Matthew Pusey On the reality of the quantum state New Directions in the Foundations of Physics, Mathemat ical Association of America Carriage House, May 2012
Matthew Pusey Comparing two explanations for qubits "Foundational questions of quantum information", Télécom ParisTech, April 2012
Ramil Nigmatullin Trapped ions as simulators of physical systems Seminar, Ion Quantum Technology Group, University of Sussex, UK, 26th April 2012
Peter Lewis What do we know about the wavefunction? London Foundations Connection, The Insti tute of Philosop hy, University of London, 20 April 2012
Ramil Nigmatullin Formation of helical ion chains DPG meeting, Stuttgart, Germany, 15th April 2012
Benj amin Brown Topological Entanglement Entropy with a Twist NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore, Isti tuto di Nanoscienze-CNR, 3 April 2012
Tanapat Deesuwan A Curious Violation of the Second Law in the Quantum Regime Samaggi Academic Networking E vent II, Cardiff University, 25th February 2012
Ross Dorner Quantum Biology Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Queens University Belfast, February 2012
Matthew Pusey The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically Quantum Computation & Information seminar, Bristol, February 2012
Sania Jevtic Correlations on the unitary orbit Colloqui, UCL, 11th Feb 2012
Matthew Pusey The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically CDT board mee ting student talk, Imperial College London, January 2 012
Matthew Pusey The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically High Energy Physics se minar, Imperial College London, January 2012
Matthew Pusey The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically Quantum Information seminar, University College London, January 2012




Matthew Pusey  The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically   Philosophy of Physics research seminar, Oxford, November 2011
Matthew Pusey  The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically  Q+ Hangout, Google+, November 2011
Ross Dorner Quantum coherent contributions in biological electron transport  NITheP Research Workshop in Quant um Biology, National Institute for Theoretical Physics, South Africa, November 2011
Ramil Nigmatullin Solitons in zigzag ion chains CoQuS retreat, Traunkirchen, Austria, 2nd October 2011
Fern Watson Pendulums  Green Man festival, Wales, August 2011
Benjamin Brown Generating Topological Order from a Two-Di mensional Cluster State Macquarie, Sydney, Australia, 1 August 2011
Sania Jevtic Thermodynamics in the presence of correlations QI and Foundations of Thermodynamics conference, Zurich, 12 Aug 2011
Benjamin Brown Generating Topological Order from a Two-Dimensional Cluster State UCL, 14 June 2011
Matthew Pusey Bell inequalities sans computation ColLoQuI, Imperial College London, March 2011
Ramil Nigmatullin Testing Kibble-Zurek mechanism using Penning traps Seminar, Theoretical Quantum Physics Group, University of Saarland, Germany, 15th February 2011




Benjamin Brown

Phase Transitions in One- and Two-Dimensional Models

AQuA Student Congress, NUS Singapore, 6 December 2010