Adam Lawrence
Winfried Hensinger
Florian Mintert
Fault tolerant trapped ion quantum gates with microwave radiation
Trapped ions are a highly promising system for the development of quantum computing technology. Two qubit gates with delities of up to 99.9% have been demonstrated [1] and, separately, entanglement of up to 14 qubits has been shown [2]. While these advances put trapped ions at the forefront of eorts to build a quantum computer, there is still much work to be done. Practical error correction algorithms require much larger numbers of ions to be accurately manipulated, but currently such eorts are held back by the lack of scalability of current ion trap architectures [3].
I argue that a system that used microwaves rather than lasers for coherent control would be much more scalable than a traditional laser-based approach. My research is focussed on developing such microwave ion trap technology. Furthermore, our group is working towards a modular, microfabricated chip-based ion trap architecture which we believe will be inherently scalable.