
Prof Martin Plenio (Ulm University/Imperial College London)

Dr Alex Retzker (Ulm University)

Quantum measurement of macroscopic objects

My present work is concerned with developing novel measurement techniques based on fundamentally quantum-mechanical principles. 

We examine quantum-mechanical transitions at an avoided crossing of energy levels in a generic system. The Landau-Zener model is taken as the starting point. We then probe the sensitivity of this set-up for experimental measurement of key physical quantities and compare it with other well-known techniques, such as Ramsey spectroscopy.

I am employed jointly by the University of Ulm and Imperial College, London. I am part of the Controlled Quantum Dynamics CQD, which provides me with dedicated lectures, exams to pass, transferable skills courses and ample opportunity for quantum bunching.


Using stirap to probe experimental noise at the SUSSP67: Quantum Information and Coherence Summer School, Strathclyde University, July 2011