Imperial CMSE aims to translate fundamental computational scientific and engineering knowledge into direct societal and industrial impact.
This continuous and interactive relation takes many different forms and spans a wide spectrum of activities as shown below.
CORECORE is the UK’s most advanced on-demand High Performance Computing (HPC) and data management e-Infrastructure available to both industry and academia.
This alliance between two of the world’s leading teaching and research institutions (Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge) will deliver unrivalled HPC and big data cloud resources, combined with comprehensive user support to organisations looking to accelerate research and build tangible competitive advantage.
Since its launch CORE has attracted the attention of the entire community as evident from the media attention including CloudPro, ComputerWeekly, TechWeek, HPCintheCloud and TheRegister.
As well as driving forward strategic research collaborations, CMSE offers consultancy expertise through Imperial Consultants, which provides an independant, confidential service to advise on commercial or in-house software needs, HPC, policy and business issues.
This service is tailored to each individual company, and founded on the latest research from experts in this broad and evolving field.