Dr Srikanth Ravipati
PhD Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka; B.Tech, Chemical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh
Following Imperial position Srikanth joined as a Research Fellow the Multiscale Computational Catalysis & Materials Science group of the Department of Chemical Engineering, UCL. Now PDRA–Senior Research Software Engineer: SPARTA Software Development, The Stevens Group, Departments of Materials and Bioengineering, Imperial. The information below was of relevance whilst a Research Associate in the Complex Multiscale Systems group.
I was a Research Associate in the Complex Multiscale Systems group, headed by Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis. I completed my PhD under the supervision of Prof Sudeep N. Punnathanam, in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, India.
email: s.ravipati@imperial.ac.uk
My PhD research was on the theory of clathrate hydrates. In particular, it was emphasized on understanding the merits and drawbacks of well known statistical thermodynamic theory of clathrates, van der Waals and Platteuwe (vdWP) theory, with the help of molecular simulations. As a result, the drawbacks of the theory were understood and an improvement was proposed. With the improvement, now the vdWP theory is rigorous and robust.
My current research in the Complex Multiscale Systems group is focused on understanding the fluid-fluid and solid-fluid with the help of molecular simulations.