Dr Benjamin Aymard
PhD Applied Mathematics, Pierre et Marie Curie University, France (advisors: Dr Marie Postel & Dr Frederique Clement); MSc Applied Mathematics, Pierre et Marie Curie University, France; BSc Mathematics, Pierre et Marie University, France
Following Imperial position Benjamin joined as a PDRA, Inria Sophia-Antipolis-Méditerranée Research Center, Nice, France. Now Research Engineer at Thales Alenia Space, Cannes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France. The information below was of relevance whilst a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Complex Multiscale Systems group.
I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Chemical Engineering of Imperial College London, more precisely in the Complex Multiscale Systems group, headed by Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis. During the academic year 2014-2015, I was a Postdoctoral Academic Visitor in the Department of Mathematics of Imperial College London, under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Degond. Previously, I completed my PhD at the University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), under the supervision of Dr. Marie Postel and Dr. Frederique Clement.
email: b.aymard@imperial.ac.uk
During the PhD, my research focus was on population dynamics. I worked on the selection process of ovarian follicles, which is a multiscale problem coupling cell kinetics at microscopic scale, follicle growth and maturation at mesoscopic scale and hormonal control at macroscopic scale. This work was done in collaboration with scientists of Inra (France), that work on physiology of reproduction and animal behaviour.
My first Postdoctoral fellowship research was on the phenomenon of emergence and self organisation of capillary networks. This is a multiphysics problem coupling blood flow, oxygen flow and network dynamics (e.g. sprouting, branching, pruning etc). This work was a collaboration with scientists of Stromalab, that work on stem cells and tissue reconstruction. The model and methods are general and may be applied to other types of network that also appear in response to their environment. We are currently extending this work to study gullies formation in hydrogeology.
At the moment, my research focuses on hydrodynamics in confined spaces and applications in micro-engineering devices (MED). This is a multiscale problem at the edge between theoretical physics and engineering that has many potential applications.
For more information about me and my research, click here to visit my personal website.