[23/11/19] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis chaired the session "Microscale Flows: Moving Contact Line and Thin Film Evaporation" at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society-Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, USA.
[8/09/19] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis co-chaired with Dr. W. Briscoe, University of Bristol, a session on Surface Forces and Thin Liquid Films at the 33rd Conference of the ECIS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
[2/09/19] PhD student Sergio Perez has received an Outstanding Achievement Award due to his active involvement in science policy and diplomacy, serving as Ambassador for Science for the Spanish Embassy in London alongside his studies. Details are given here.
[1/09/19] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis co-organised with Prof. T. Karakasidis, University of Thessaly, Greece and Prof. S. Schmauder, Universität Stuttgart, Germany a symposium on Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Materials, Processes and Devices at Euromat, Stockhol, Sweeden.
[6/06/19] Macroscopic relations for microscopic properties at the interface between solid substrates and dense fluids. Strongly confined fluids exhibit inhomogeneous properties due to atomistic structuring in close proximity to a solid surface. State variables and transport coefficients at a solid-fluid interface vary locally and become dependent on the properties of the confining walls. However, the precise mechanisms for these effects are not known as of yet. We make use of nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations to scrutinize the local fluid properties at the solid-fluid interface for a range of surface conditions and temperatures. We also derive microscopic relations connecting fluid viscosity and density profiles for dense fluids. This study has been published in The Journal of Chemical Physics.
[24/04/19] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis co-organised with Dr. James Sprittles, University of Warwick, a minisymposium on Fluctuating Hydrodynamics at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium, University of Bath.
[6/03/19] Analysis of a variant of the Desai-Zwanzig model. Our study on the dynamics of the Desai-Zwanzig model in multiwell and random energy landscapes has been published in Physical Review E. In particular, we study stationary states of the mean field limit for a system of weakly interacting diffusions moving in a multiwell potential energy landscape, coupled via a Curie-Weiss type (quadratic) interaction potential. The location and depth of the local minima of the potential are either deterministic or random. We characterize the structure and nature of bifurcations and phase transitions for this system, by means of extensive numerical simulations and of analytical calculations for an explicitly solvable model.
[21/01/19] Theory and computations on instability, rupture and fluctuations in thin liquid films. Thin liquid films are ubiquitous in natural phenomena and technological applications. They have been extensively studied via deterministic hydrodynamic equations, but thermal fluctuations often play a crucial role that needs to be understood. In our latest published work in Journal of Statistical Physics, we present an analytical and numerical study of a stochastic thin-film equation derived from first principles. We also present a numerical scheme based on a spectral collocation method, which is then utilised to simulate the stochastic thin-film equation. This scheme seems to be very convenient for numerical studies of the stochastic thin-film equation, since it makes it easier to select the frequency modes of the noise (following the spirit of the long-wave approximation). With our numerical scheme we explore the fluctuating dynamics of the thin film and the behaviour of its free energy in the vicinity of rupture.