Research Priorities
This information is based on the CCS Forum Report which was developed at the three-day CCS forum which hosted delegates from academia, indstury and government to discuss the future of CCS.
1. Creation of a computational framework to understand the dynamic interplay between scientific and technological advancements, their impacts on the power markets, and the broader socio-economic consequences of deploying CCS.
2. Development of a methodology to rapidly screen new solvents and sorbents for CO2 capture based on molecular level information, and provide process level cost and performance information.
3. Appropriate benchmarks must be identified and universally adopted for the successful development of new processes for CCS. We recommend the use of the Cansolv technology as a new standard against which progress with sorbent development should be compared.
4. CO2 storage infrastructure must be de-risked around the world via exploration and characterisation of suitable geological structures. This is more urgent than the development of new capture technologies.
5. CO2 utilisation via Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is mature, and has the potential to provide a near-term, market-driven pull for the deployment of CO2 transport infrastructure. However, EOR is not a panacea and can lead to the net emission of CO2.
6. The environmental impact of products derived from CO2 will be very small compared to the level of CO2 that is needed to be stored as part of climate change mitigation. However, using CO2 can reduce the environmental footprint of existing chemical processes.
7. The impact of CCS must focus on the £/MWh, rather than efficiency improvements at the cost of increased CAPEX. Materials with accelerated rates of heat and mass transfer are essential.
8. The cost of power generation or industrial processes must be decoupled from CO2 capture and the CO2 transport infrastructure. Initial project costs are significantly inflated relative to the potential for the subsequent cost reduction once infrastructure costs are shared.
9. The role of electricity markets in the development of CCS technologies needs to be carefully evaluated, with particular attention paid to the way in which CCS power plants will interact with the electricity markets.
10. It is vital that meeting near-term targets does not come at the expense of long-term targets. Meeting the Paris Agreement depends on using bioenergy with CCS (BECCS), this cannot be implemented without a mature and established CCS industry.
To meet targets outlines in the Paris Agreement funds must be made available to support the research needs of CCS. It is imperitive that funding for CCS is progressed towards development.