
I am a second year PhD student in the Department of Chemical Engineering. My research focuses on computational fluids dynamic analysis on patient-specific model based on 4D-flow MRI data. I aim to study the reliable association between hemodynamic indices and aortic growth and disease progression and develop risk stratifications for clinicians in decision-making process.

I completed my Bachelor in Engineering Mechanics at Sichuan University and my MSc in Thermal Power and Fluids Engineering at the University of Manchester. After my MSc, I worked as a research assistant in bioengineering research group at Sichuan University and I started my first research project in the field of aortic dissection.


2021 - present
PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK 

2020 - 2021

Research Assistant, Sichuan University, China

2018 – 2019

MSc Thermal Power and Fluids Engineering, University of Manchester, UK

2014 - 2018 

BEng Mechanics, Sichuan University, China

Research Interests

I am interested in computational fluids dynamics simulations and their application in predicting post-operative aortic progress in Type B aortic dissection.

Project Title

"Predicting Aortic Growth and Disease Progression in Type B Aortic Dissection"


Professor Xiao Yun Xu

Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK

Teaching Experience

Graduate teaching assistant in Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London:
Matlab Tutorial- 1st Year Undergraduate (2022/23)


Wang, K., Li, D., Yuan, D., Zhao, J., Zheng, T., & Fan, Y. (2021). A computational fluid study on hemodynamics in visceral arteries in a complicated type B aortic dissection after thoracic endovascular repair. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 9, 100054.



1M17 ACEX, Department of Chemical Engineering, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ


+44 (0)207 594 2562


Email Kaihong